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Greetings to our friends and neighbors,

We are writing to ask for your help and support. We are Camden House, the State Certified Domestic Violence Shelter for Camden and Charlton Counties. We shelter any victim, and their children, who are experiencing abusive, controlling, or violent behavior by one partner against the other in a relationship, regardless of age, race, gender, religion or financial status.

We are approaching the holiday season, where families gather to celebrate together. Sadly, there are hundreds of individuals and their children, close by, who will not be able to experience that joy. They are the unfortunate victims of domestic violence and abuse.

These victims could live across the street from you, two blocks over, be a member of your church or someone with whom you work. Most often, they are very secretive about their plight. However, you can help! Your support is vital to helping enable them to live a life free from violence. No one should have to live with the pain and abuse of domestic violence.

One of the worst parts of this is that their children are living in and witnessing, or actually experiencing, the abuse. Over 70% of those children, when they grow older, will become either an abuser or abused, because they are being raised thinking that this is normal behavior.

Camden House has been in business twenty nine years. We are open 24/7/365 to answer crisis calls for help and to receive clients. During last fiscal year, we provided a total of 3,683 bed nights. In addition, we also serve some 350 outreach victims each year that need our assistance, but don't wish to be sheltered, yet.

Our clients and their children often arrive with nothing. We shelter and feed them, and provide clothing when necessary. We provide seventeen specific services to assist them during their stay, and very importantly, we provide hope and encouragement. One of our big successes is that we have helped many victims and their children transition into their own independent housing, to start a new life, free from domestic violence and abuse. Our staff is trained, experienced, caring and passionate about helping our clients move on to a better and safer life.

We constantly upgrade our adult and children's programs, classes, advocacy partners, group sessions as well as our outside professional counseling and therapy. None of this is inexpensive. Our annual budget is $450,000. In addition to our Federal and State support, we must raise 30% of our budget from local Governments, grants, fundraising events, supportive organizations and individual donors who so graciously give. All these dollars stay here to support Camden House!

Abuse comes in many different forms. Camden House provides a safe, comfortable and loving refuge for women, men, the elderly or the handicapped who have been abused, with no place to turn for help. If you know of anyone who needs help, please encourage them to call Camden House, day or night. Their call will be totally confidential. The phone number is (912) 882-7858, or visit our website at: We provide care, restore personal dignity and save lives. We can help!

Thank you! We at Camden House; our Board, Staff, Clients and their Children, certainly wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year!

Very Sincerely,

Twyla Green, Executive Director and Ken Boden, Director of Development

Won't you please consider helping by providing a donation. Your support, whatever you may give, will go directly to Camden House, and will help to make a significant difference in the lives of our clients and their children!

Click Here to Donate Now! Or you can send checks to:  Camden House, P.O. Box 5159, St. Marys, GA 31558.

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Stay Connected

24-hour Hotline: (912) 882-7858

P.O. Box 5159 St. Marys, GA 31558

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Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is to support victims of domestic violence as they become survivors and lead healthy, abuse free lives.

Our vision is to be the premier non-profit in Camden County using a trauma-informed care service model to meet the needs of domestic violence victims and support them as they overcome barriers.  We have the right people (staff and board) and financial resources in place to support our organization’s mission.


Since 1987, Camden House has served as the community voice for victims of domestic violence in Camden and Charlton counties. Your donations will support Camden House’s efforts to end domestic violence and provide a safe, secure environment for victims to heal and create a new life for themselves. With your help we will continue to serve our community and victims for many years to come.

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