Camden Community Crisis Center Inc., known as Camden House, was incorporated October 1, 1987 in response to the rapid population growth of Camden County, and the subsequent growth in domestic violence. Since then, Camden House has been the exclusive certified provider of services to Camden and Charlton counties for domestic violence victims and their children.
The groundbreaking for the initial shelter was in October, 1988, in St Mary's. That 2,000 square foot shelter was opened in January, 1990, with the capacity to shelter about 16 people. The shelter changed location in 1995, in order to meet growing demand, then with 2,200 square feet and the ability to shelter 18 victims and their children.
Camden Retired Teachers Association donated bags for the children in our shelter - April 3, 2019
In January, 2006, discussions and work began in transitioning to a larger shelter, to accommodate the growing domestic violence needs in the community. We moved into our current facility in October, 2008. This current facility has over 12,000 square feet, 13 bedrooms, and can shelter 23 victims. The upstairs portion consists of five administrative offices and a library, with a separate section with nine bedrooms, four bathrooms, a full kitchen, a playroom, a computer room and a living room sitting area. The downstairs portion of the shelter consists of one office, a handicapped bedroom and two other bedrooms, with two bathrooms. There is also a library, dining room, sitting room, kitchen, large pantry and a boutique with clothes, shoes, toiletries, etc. to meet the needs of the clients and their children. Camden House is a warm and inviting home, where victims of domestic violence and their children can be sheltered while, with our help, they can comfortably make the necessary decisions about their future.
We are available 24/7 to assist domestic violence victims, and to help provide them with all the services to help starting to put their life back together. Call us at 912-882-7858 to begin the process!